What's new in CadoDraw 4.0
We have worked on CadoDraw to improve the representation of text. We have also added some new methods.
Drag & Drop
The drawbox now implements the events OnDragOver and OnDragDrop. As a result you can now drag objects from other controls onto the drawbox.
Copy & Paste
CadoDraw's drawbox creates two clipboard formats using the CopyToClipboard method:
  • The private format of the respective drawbox allows you to copy graphic objects with all links and data fields. You can, however, only copy within the drawbox itself or from one instance of a drawbox to another instance of the same drawbox.
  • The metafile format solely stores the graphic representation of the objects. Due to this feature, graphic objects from a drawbox can be copied to any other application which is capable of representing metafiles (e.g. MS Word).
Any shape you like for bitmaps and JPEGs
Graphic objects displaying a bitmap adapt the shape of the bitmap exactly to your outline. It's your choice whether you want the bitmap enlarged in order to fit it exactly into the object's outline, or whether you would rather trim the bitmap at its edges. The printing quality of bitmaps has been improved and is now up to very high standards.
Three additional text components
The new components are designed to replace the old TcdLabels component.
TcdText creates text objects on a transparent background
TcdTextlabs creates text labels in various colors and shapes. The size of the label is automatically fitted to the size of the text.
TcdTextlabs2D creates text labels of variable size. The minimum size of the label is determined by the size of text field, the maximum size can be selected by the user.
Rotation of graphic objects
Up to now you could only rotate rectangular objects. The new CadoDraw 4.0 lets you rotate objects of any shape as long as they have one single point of reference. This applies mainly to the rotation of
  • ellipses
  • bitmaps
  • metafiles
  • multi-line text
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